Man ran straight into a runaway train as undefeated Independence steamrolled to a 74-7 win over the Hillbillies in Sophia on Friday night.
Man, now 3-4, scored its only points on a 20-yard run by Jayden Brumfield midway through the second quarter.
Quarterback Israel Canterbury passed for 60 yards. Receiver Jeremiah Harless had three receptions for 38 yards.
At Sophia
MN (3-4)…0 7 0 0 – 7
ID (6-0)….26 28 14 6 – 74
First Quarter
I – Judah Price, 30-yard run (Atticus Goodson kick), 9:28
I – Trey Bowers 35-yard pass from Logan Phalin (kick failed), 6:59
I – Atticus Goodson, 3-yard run (pass failed), 4:44
I – Atticus Goodson, 41-yard run ((Atticus Goodson kick), 4:23
Second Quarter
I – Judah Price, 2-yard run (Cyrus Goodson pass from Logan Phalin), 11:56
I – Atticus Goodson, 10-yard run (Atticus Goodson kick), 7:38
MN – Jayden Brumfield, 20-yard run (Jaxson Tipton kick), 5:13
I – Judah Price 41yard run (kick failed), 4:08
I – Tyler Linkswiler, 6-yard run (Atticus Goodson kick), 1:02
Third Quarter
I – Colten Caron, 54-yard run(Atticus Goodson kick), 8:35
I – Colton Miller, 16-yard run (Atticus Goodson kick), 3:35
Fourth Quarter
I – J.D. Moore, 25-yard run (kick failed), 8:39
Next up: Man (3-4) at Point Pleasant (6-1), 7:30 pm, Oct. 22.